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He doesn’t even have that happiness. Why should they have it?

Suddenly saw his eyebrows a cu face a slight change.
There was a cold light in the black eyes, and I turned my head and said, "Get out … Section 314: Lost!
Suddenly saw his eyebrows a cu face a slight change.
Black eyes bursts with a cold light and turns to a cold way "get out …"
Nothing happened … A quiet atmosphere.
"Don’t roll out I can you’re welcome …"
It was cold again, and then I heard a soft step approaching [
"Wang … Wang …"
A soft Jiao Jiao and some weak voice behind him.
Silent moon flow mark coldly looking at white female eyes lit a trace of anger in front of your face.
How many times has this been?
Damn it, little girl has no shame at all
I actually watched him take a shower again and again.
Looking at her little blush, her blush expression is also very shy.
Looking down, I dare not look at his hands pulling his clothes and posing as if he had done something wrong.
He sipped his lips coldly. "Ling Shui, you are bold enough …"
Every time he is caught, he looks like he has done something wrong, patting his chest to ensure that she will never peek at him taking a shower after she is caught.
But he’s ashamed to show up here every time he takes a bath.
"Wang … I didn’t mean to"
He smiled coldly and raised his eyebrows. "What’s your reason this time?"
The woman in white gave him a timid look and whispered, "Lost … lost!" "
Hua! Someone froze!
Eyes straight wait for a while looked in a certain direction.
The skirt was also pulled by people, like a chicken, and she was screwed up.
"Get lost …"
Good, good. She dares to fool him with such a bad reason [
Did she take him for a fool?
Plop a silent moon, twist her and jump into the pool.
"Wang …"
Someone can’t swim, swallowed a few mouthfuls of water and was choked to tears.
Cough a few times, and your hands and feet are entangled in the lonely moon like claw fish.
Ji Yue Liu Yan took a deep breath and his eyes burst into fiery eyes.
He stretched out his hand to stir up the dark eyes in her jaw, and his eyes stared at her seductively. KINOMOTO SAKURA Section 315: Eyes sparkling
Ji Yue Liu Yan took a deep breath and his eyes burst into fiery eyes.
He stretched out his hand to stir up the dark eyes floating in her jaw, staring at her attractive little lips.
"Peeking at the king’s bath again and again is not just interested in the king’s body?"
His mouth smile becomes evil, and his eyes are even more evil. "In this case, the king has become your mind …"
"Not … not like this …" [
The woman in white shook her head quickly, but he buckled her head.
"Well …"
White woman immediately froze in his arms.
Eyes wide open, eyes with incredible look.
"You can’t even try to be a king after a kiss?"
It ravaged her lips for a while, and her lips moved away little by little.
Ji Yue Liu Yan looked at her with a sarcastic look and said mercilessly, "If you want to be a king, you must know how to please the king."
"Can’t even kiss a woman king but … have no interest at all …"

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Flying the Dragon Soul with the Imperial Sword soon came to the headquarters of the God-eating Gang and saw the prop of shooting the Sun God bow-Houyi God Bracelet in


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