You … you …

I was shocked by this sudden apology. Zuo Tangtang forgot what he was worried about just now, so wait for a while looked at "you" in the eastern suburbs of Su for a long time and couldn’t say a word.
Who is this?
Did you change your vest? Or did you change your name?
Has anyone done anything wrong to themselves?
Does this man know her?
A series of questions came to her mind.
It’s a pity that she didn’t ask questions before. The original plan to fight kelp and soy sauce has shifted the target and rushed over with her own weapons.
Hoof hooves?
Soy sauce people’s eyelids jump and call them so intimate. This product is not stealing girls, is it?
And this … I’m sorry?
They are not as simple and sweet as before! They have learned a lot since they witnessed that guy who used to be idle in Muyun hooked up with his sister with all kinds of sugar-coated shells and dumped her!
I’m sorry for such an adulterous word!
How can they just sit back and watch? !
Kelp is nothing!
Seeing what this is called, what seems to have happened in the eastern suburbs of Su Dong? It’s a big situation. It seems that there is no progress. Let’s put kelp aside!
Although some threats should be contained in the cradle, after all, there are priorities!
I think it’s very thorough to play soy sauce, so I put the red-faced and serious sea belt aside
Excuse me? Small! What did you do!
What did you do to my sister? !
Who are you? What was your name, what club you were in and what did you do with our sister? Say it quickly!
Do you know that you’d better tell the truth now, or we can guarantee that you will see us every day in the future!
Playing soy sauce is as handy as talking, and all kinds of shelling make the eastern suburbs of the Soviet Union take all kinds of measures.
He also wanted to know what he had done … He barely braced himself to cope with the soy sauce around him and asked that the eastern suburbs of Su Dong were full of nai, but his heart became softer when he saw a girl with a finger-set in the Flower Palace.
In his impression, he didn’t know such an imposing girl. Look at her previous moves and think about it. Maybe she used to be gentle. This change is because of him. He thinks that even if a man doesn’t have much affection for this girl, his heart will become soft.
Especially … In the numbers … Peach Blossom Robbery …
Once again, I think it’s wrong. The bottom of my heart in the eastern suburbs of Su is inexplicably happy to treat all kinds of questions like oral investigation, and I have been patient and friendly in answering soy sauce.
So the situation seems to be stable. Maybe it’s not too bad?
Not far away, facing a piece of kelp in front of his eyes, he silently put his jade flute back behind his back, and red mist also eliminated it again bit by bit.
He suddenly felt that he was wrong.
I know a lot about it, but he still forgets what is the most striking feature of soy sauce makers.
Always changing your mind
He didn’t want to admit that he had just made a serious decision to give it a try because he had failed to complete the decision when soy sauce makers came to Heifeng Village to "smash the field"
If he continues to defend himself at such a moment and insists, he thinks he is willing to do it.
It’s … It’s obvious that he misjudged.
An unexpected person appeared.

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1. **益气补中**:甘草味甘,性平,归心、肺、脾、胃经,具有补益中气的作用。适用于脾胃虚弱、倦怠乏力、心悸气短等症状。 2. **祛痰止咳**:甘草对于咳嗽痰多有良好的缓解作用,可以与麻黄、杏仁等药材配伍,用于治疗风寒咳嗽、肺热咳嗽等。 3. **清热解毒**:甘草有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗热毒疮疡、咽喉肿痛等症,常与金银花、连翘等药材搭配使用。 4. **缓急止痛**:甘草可用于治疗因阴血不足、筋失所养而导致的挛急作痛,以及脾胃虚寒、营血不能温养所致的胃痛。 5. **调和药性**:在中药方剂中,甘草常作为调和诸药之用,可以缓和药物烈性,减轻毒副作用,协和寒热,平调升降。 6. **肾上腺皮质激素样作用**:甘草中的甘草甜素具有促进钠、水潴留的作用,小剂量时可产生糖皮质激素可的松样作用。 7. **解毒作用**:甘草对某些药物中毒、食物中毒、体内代谢产物中毒有一定的解毒能力。 8. **止咳平喘作用**:甘草次酸具有中枢性镇咳作用,大剂量的甘草次酸可使小鼠呼吸抑制。 9. **抗炎作用**:甘草的抗炎作用是通过影响细胞生物氧化过程,降低细胞对刺激的反应来实现的。 10. **抗癌作用**:甘草甜素和甘草甙可以使大鼠腹水肝癌及小鼠艾氏腹水癌细胞产生形态学上变化,具有一定的抗癌作用。 11. **抗病毒抗老作用**:甘草具有一定的抗病毒和抗衰老作用。 12. **对心血管系统的作用**:甘草对心血管系统也有一定的好处,可以改善心血管功能。 需要注意的是,尽管甘草泡水有诸多好处,但也不宜长期或过量饮用。孕妇、小孩、高血压患者、水肿者等特定人群应避免使用。在饮用甘草泡水时,应遵循医嘱,合理搭配其他药材,以达到最佳的保健效果。