青岛夜网,青岛桑拿论坛,青岛品茶网,青岛夜生活论坛 品茶论坛 Before, he thought and acted from the perspective of passers-by and passers-by; But now he has put the gap between the two and turned them into Li Yuhua, who faced his mind and surrendered his body.

Before, he thought and acted from the perspective of passers-by and passers-by; But now he has put the gap between the two and turned them into Li Yuhua, who faced his mind and surrendered his body.

As the world says, no one can change overnight, even if someone occupies the super-strong body, he will not become strong immediately, and he can’t exert his real strength because his heart is not straightened and he has not squeezed into that height.
Everything needs a process, from ordinary to amazing, and it is also a process of secret accumulation. Just like arrival, Li Yu went through all kinds of things before he put aside his prejudices and completed his transformation, which completely inspired his talent.
At this time, Li Yu climbed the mountain and held the sun, surrounded by the newborn Jinxia, which shone together.
This scene at the foot of the mountain is clearly illuminated, and it is reflected in the sky with the blazing golden glow. People are suspicious and then their eyes are widened. Because they see the morning glow, Li Yu is holding his arms and climbing the mountain and holding the sun.
Climbing the mountain and holding the sun is Yu!
Chapter 9 Spirit into the Valley
The wind rises on the top of the mountain and the arms rise.
That figure, Jinxia, is particularly bright and overlooks the world.
"Someone has reached the top!" As the young people gathered at the foot of the mountain exclaimed.
This has attracted the attention of others, and it has also alarmed one after another. Those who come to fight with their younger nephews are the strongmen of one side.
"It was the young man who went to climb the mountain with great enthusiasm!" Soon previous directions Li Yu that a few people will find out the bursts of alarm.
It really shocked many people when the news and scenes here merged into one place! Because Li Yu is still very young, he climbed the mountain so quickly; This means that he didn’t stop or rest halfway, but went straight to the top
"How is it possible that there is no pause, that is, it is difficult for a genius to do it?" There are many young brothers who don’t believe that there have been some aristocratic men coming to rush into the mountains.
They all chose to rest and explore in the pavilion, and then they continued to learn lessons. Some self-sustaining and deep-rooted brothers ran amok, and as a result, their flesh and bones were cracked by pressure, and the whole people were hit hard to lead the way.
"What’s the matter? Maybe this young man has a special heel. Isn’t it normal that the era will eventually turn out to be arrogant?"
These people are really shocked by their disagreement.
Immediately after the news flew, the waves in this area approached, and many fighters gathered to control the rainbow light.
When it was confirmed, they were all surprised and thought that this was a young man with extraordinary feet worth meeting.
"When a inheritor of Wuyue family came to try, he never climbed the mountain so quickly."
"How can such a young man be unknown? I have never heard of his name." Some latecomers flashed their eyes trying to find clues
But it’s a pity that the young man who climbs the mountain and holds the sun is as mysterious as jumping out, except for those terrans he talked to.
In this way, more and more people gathered, and after half an hour in a row, many people moved their minds to go and see what they could find even halfway up the mountain.
However, after experiencing some feelings on the mountain top, Li Yu’s mood calmed down, and even the physical Yuan God was baptized by the morning glow and became full of vitality and returned to its peak again.
At the same time, he sat in this body-mind fit and touched something, and the new Tianzhu showed signs of cohesion.
Breathe ~ suck ~
Exhaled white mist continuously overflows from the mouth and nose, and rises and fades along the hair, which makes the pouring sunshine blurred.
After that, forty-five pillars of Tianzhu were behind him, and the towering, simple and rich clusters were surrounded by red stripes; Give people an intuitive, strong and vigorous feeling, and feel a strong foundation.
Five days later, the top of the mountain was under pressure, but it also had an inexplicable array of patterns to gather the aura of heaven and earth for Li Yu to practice.
He has once again condensed nine pillars of Tianzhu, stepped into the building of Heaven and Six Heavens, and all the newly born pillars have been tempered in the mountain. This is nature.
"I’m really fast enough to build six heavy days." Li Yu got up and 54 Tianzhu disappeared in the blood gas, accompanied by a breeze blowing over the hills
He looked around and found that there were a few figures sitting there in another area on the top of the mountain, and he couldn’t help but get closer.
And those who are silent are also opening their eyes and showing approval after seeing Li Yu coming.
"Young man, this is really something for you." The older generation of fighters praised him for being gentle, and he was also a defender of order stationed here.
It is also the guide who will guide these young people to seek fate after climbing the mountain.
"I’m flattered by the old man." Li Yu chuckled and didn’t rest assured that this mountain is a way for him to adjust his body and mind and has nothing to be proud of.
The old warrior gave a slow way, "since you are so old and come here alone, it must be for honing and traveling to the old man. My blood gas has declined, but my knowledge is still there."
If you can practice in the mountains, you will be qualified to enter the secret hiding behind the mountains. Go and harvest some essence of heaven and earth to make you walk faster in the practice of building heaven and earth. "
Li Yuwen thanked him, but he didn’t know that there was such a secret on the top of the mountain. He immediately left here.
There is still a road behind the high peak except for the gorgeous golden glow, which has become a bridge in vain.
The bridge is very unusual, but it is formed by the condensation of the whole body, engraved with the ancient array, which continues to run through the ages
"Is it possible that a strong man once evolved a secret land?" Li Yu light yi contrast found that this bridge built some similarities in heaven realm with a few thoughts.
He walked along the bridge and came to the other side of the mountain, which was a deeply sunken valley, and strangely he could see a figure flying by.
Obviously, it was the completion of the construction of the sky and the erection of the overpass. The fighters flew to the sky to learn the essence of the sun, the moon and the stars
"Fang Chun! You have such a big appetite that I dare to fight for stardust wood! "
"You know that you found it and didn’t get it. What are you? It is hahaha to bless us when the essence of heaven and earth lives in you! "
There are two people coming, and the glow is like shooting and hanging, and the spread of the gods’ letters makes the wind rumble and sweep back and forth like big hands and grass.
Far Li Yu looked at this scene and calculated it in his heart; According to the posture of these two people, it is obvious that it is not so easy to collect the essence of the secret soil, and most people will compete for it.
"In the end, it’s better to speak with your fist. Power is reason." He shook his head without looking at the two men chasing and teasing and went straight down the bridge to the entrance to the secret land.
At present, a valley is surrounded by clouds and looks very chic.
Taniguchi also had a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged with a beard and a coarse robe covering his body, so he meditated on rocks at will.

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1. **润肺止咳**:银耳具有润肺的作用,可以缓解咳嗽、喉咙痛等症状。百合同样具有润肺止咳的功效,适合秋冬季使用。 2. **滋阴养颜**:银耳中的胶原蛋白可以促进皮肤弹性的改善,而百合和莲子也有养颜美容的作用,对于女性来说,长期饮用有助于美容养颜。 3. **补脾益肾**:莲子具有补脾止泻、益肾涩精的功效,可以缓解脾肾两虚引起的症状。 4. **安神助眠**:百合和莲子都有安神的作用,对于心烦失眠、神经紧张等有一定的缓解效果。 5. **清热解毒**:银耳百合莲子汤可以清热解毒,适合体内有热毒、口干舌燥等症状的人群。 6. **增强免疫力**:银耳多糖和银耳中的营养成分可以增强机体的免疫功能。 7. **促进消化**:银耳百合莲子汤中含有丰富的维生素和纤维素,有助于加快肠胃蠕动,改善食欲不振、积食等症状。 8. **调节血糖**:银耳和莲子对于调节血糖有一定的帮助,适合糖尿病患者食用。 9. **抗氧化**:银耳百合莲子汤中含有的抗氧化成分,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。 10. **降血压**:莲子具有降血压的作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗效果。 总体来说,银耳百合莲子汤是一种具有多方面保健功效的汤品,适合多数人群食用,尤其适合需要润肺、养颜、安神的人群。不过,由于银耳性平,百合性微寒,莲子味苦,对于体质偏寒或脾胃虚寒的人群,应适量食用。


1. 生姜: – 发汗解表:适用于治疗风寒感冒,能够帮助身体排出寒邪。 – 温胃止呕:对于胃寒疼痛、呕吐等症状有缓解作用。 – 解毒:可用于治疗某些食物中毒。 – 和胃止呕:配合其他药物,如半夏、大枣等,可增强治疗效果。 – 调补脾胃:常用于补益剂中,增进食欲,促进药力吸收。 2. 干姜: – 温中散寒:对于脾胃虚寒、腹痛泄泻等症状有治疗作用。 – 温肺化饮:适用于肺寒咳嗽、痰多清稀等症状。 3. 炮姜: – 温经止血:对于妇女月经不调、崩漏等症状有调节作用。 – 温中止痛:适用于脾胃虚寒引起的腹痛、腹泻等症状。 4. 煨姜: – 和胃止呕:与生姜类似,适用于胃寒呕吐等症状。 5. 生姜皮: